Tuesday, September 30, 2014

General Grand Council, Crypitc Masons International

First of all, I am a permanent member of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International by virtue of my service as Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Royal and Select Masons in Michigan. One of the Primary reasons I went out to Buffalo New York was to support MPGGM George Sellars, who was on track to be presiding today as the MP General Grand Master.  George Passed away in February to the ravages of cancer.  We fulfilled his plans. The Grand Lodge and Grand Council of Michigan were present in numbers to honor George, support his widow Brenda, and their daughter Barb was here also.  A very nice memorial service was held for George, and also Kenny Chandler who was GG Treasurer.

Palsms 29:18 will tell you that "where there is no vision, the people will perish".  I will go one step further, and tell you that where the people do not follow the vision of their leader, the organization is doomed to perish.
I will stop right there, and simply say that I was somewhat dismayed with the proceedings of the General Grand Council. The advanced proceedings were filled with committees who stopped functioning after the death of MPGGM Sellars. They actually said so in their reports. My heart was heavy that the elected leadership has not taken the vision and seen the future.  Just another title. Another 3 years to complete.
My heart is sad for this group.  They are capable of soooo much more. Some will try, but without the team functioning in unison, it will be for naught. Where is their Moses. Where is their George......

Monday, September 29, 2014

General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International

Its a delight when the presiding officer has a sense of humor, can speak several languages and gets the job done.  Such was the case today with Ted Harrison, General Grand High Priest. It is the culmination of three years of work in several countries around the world, charters were granted for new Grand Chapters to be formed around the world.  Greetings were exchanged, cultural differences were approved and in the end of the day, harmony prevailed among the Royal Arch Masons.  I have to relay a story told by Ted though, you see his father died in Italy, and they buried him there.  One occasion that Ted had to talk about it, the cemetery was identified, and several weeks passed, when one day he received a photograph with the Italian Masonic Brothers gathered around the Grave site of his father, where they had laid flowers to honor him.  It is what Masons do, and it doesn't matter where in the world you are at, the tie that binds is always strong. Our own Larry Inscho, Past Grand High Priest of Michigan was installed as General Grand Captain of the Host for the next three years or triennial.  It sounds like busy work, and could be, but he will function close to home.  Those who don't know, Larry is also one of my Grand Stewards in the Grand Lodge of Michigan.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Buffalo is charging forward .... and my Sabbath is anything but restful.

Greetings.  I am usually an advocate of using the sabbath to rest, but today in Buffalo New York, we were in Meetings most of the Day.  I was able to witness the Parade of flags from representatives of York Rite Masonry over the globe.  Lunch with the Grand High Priest of Madagascar, remind me I need to polish up my French...... Sat with my Friend Bill Thomas, MWGM of New York, and we brought greetings on behalf of our respective States to those assembled.  I was able to speak briefly on one of my mentors, and about visionaries. Mayor Brown sat next to me, and became better acquainted with Freemasonry. Demolay's Bill Sardone, Junior Grand Councilor and I had time to chat about the youth and a promise of future visits. Been a great day, busy with conversation, exchange of ideas and fellowship.  There is a contingent here from Michigan, but I haven't had enough time to say hi to them. Great stories of Michigan Masonry in action, and brothers long since moved away, but fond memories of being raised in Michigan. Time for hospitality and dinner, then back to catch up on the weekends emails. The entertainment was pretty fun, and brought back some music I had totally forgot about. Nice night, now to bed for an early morning with the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M. conclave.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I see Buffalo !!! The Grand Master has left the United States of America !

Not in the U.P. silly, I just drove into Buffalo, New York. Took a short cut through Ontario, enjoyed three hours of NPR on CBC. Educational drive so to speak.  Got here, and they didn't have a room for me.  Well, not entirely true, they had one for Laveque, TBD.  Not sure who he is, but I'm sleeping in his bed now.  We broke the trip up into two segments due to my diminished capacity to function because of seasonal symptoms. We made it, I did not pass out or drive off the highway. At supper this evening I was reminded that we are into the Fall season, and the entertainment was German step dancers. Ive seen them before, but never focused on their talent until this evening.  Good friends, good food, everyone here is three years older than the last time I saw them, and some did not make it to this Triennial....... The Grand Architect had bigger designs for them. Another reminder that life is too short to not live it to the fullest. I'm here at the request of George Sellars, MPGGM of the General Grand Council, Cryptic Masons, who asked me to represent the Grand Lodge of Michigan as his Grand Master which has always been the custom of the Triennial Leaders.  True to the plan, I am here to bring Greetings, Welcome and hopefully some sort of Wisdom to this august body of men. I miss the clasp of your hand George.... reveal to me what you want to tell them.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Have I told you how much I dislike Lupus ?

So I get home from work, getting packed to head to Trollville, and my dear wife tells me that she has another Blood Clot in the opposite leg, in the back of the knee, verified by doppler.  The Doctors, when she said she was going to Buffalo, told her she couldn't fly. That wasn't in the plan this time anyway. And since she would be sitting for long periods of time (Canada), they changed out her Coumodin for Eliquis. So with a new script, oxygen and a few formals, off we go into the wild unknown for a few days with strangers we call friends..... I swear, packing for me is worse than buying makeup for an actress. There is never enough, and it changes daily.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

An unexpected Honor... Grand Blanc

When your in the service of others, your have your thoughts and hands immersed in working for others. It may be decisions considered for the good of the craft, it may be cards for pathways residents, visits to lodges, research on projects, calling brothers on specific issues, presenting membership awards, conducting meetings, ceremony for dedication, memorizing a ritual part, appointing committee members, planning for events, supporting youth, giving counsel.

Then comes along the Secretary of a Lodge and says, Grand Master, we would like to present you with an Honorary Membership to our Lodge. And then explains that it is not a common occurrence in the Lodge to hand them out, but they were appreciative of my efforts.  Thank you WB Loveless for taking time to be in Alma the same time I was, and bestowing this singular honor.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rosh Hashanah, Happy New Year to my Jewish Brothers

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה‎, literally "head of the year") is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holy Days or יָמִים נוֹרָאִים Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe") which usually occur in the early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration, which begins on the first day of Tishrei. The day is believed to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, and their first actions toward the realization of humanity's role in God's world. Rosh Hashanah customs include sounding the shofar (a hollowed-out ram's horn) and eating symbolic foods such as apples dipped in honey to evoke a "sweet new year". Masonry accepts men of all religions, creeds and sects. Tolerance is a hallmark of who we are, and education of who we each are is essential in Masonry, so that we are sensitive to the culture around us.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monthly Meetings and a nice fall day

Woke up to my shuffleboard partners outside the window, only today they were wearing jackets. Imagine that, the second day of Fall and they think its cold out.  Was a good time seeing everyone this morning, as I spent time with the residents of Masonic Pathways at their Tuesday Morning coffee chat.  After chat, it was time for the Tri-Board lunch, where we exchange information about the happenings in each of the three organizations.  Masonry is on the move in Michigan.  At 2:30 the Grand Lodge Board of Directors met for the monthly meeting, to approve the business of Grand Lodge and discuss issues facing the Craft. This evening its back home to Munising for the rest of the week.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, and it's officially Fall - A personal observation

It is officially the first day of Fall.  And Munising shows it, as I watched the colors reveal themselves on the trip home last evening. Reds and Oranges, not many Yellows, but I suspect another week will bring them out in full bloom. Well, it is another trip back to Trollville tonight. I have been blessed with the Sinus infection that is going around the youth population.  Nothing a swig of Tylenol Liquid and a sinus capsule won't cure.  Catch it before its bronchitis I say.  It was a nice drive south, except for the Orange Barrels.  they can remove them from the freeway anytime now.  And why on Earth would anyone wait until Fall to start repairing Highways.  They must be fast workers, I'm thinking they only have until Halloween to get er done. Tomorrow is a full day of meetings... maybe a quiet game of shuffleboard with the residents before 10 am.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Our Prince Hall Brothers celebrate in Saginaw !

I pause today to recognize my brothers of Prince Hall Masonry here in Michigan. Here is a statement from Grand Master Tyrone Hampton, Grand Master of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan:
["The tradition of respect for our Heritage, both Fraternal and National, has led to the setting aside of a day to celebrate the birth of our founder, and to reaffirm our loyalty to a system in which our freedom to practice our ancient craft remains unimpaired, therefore, in keeping with this custom, be it known that I, Tyrone Hampton, Grand Master of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan, do hereby proclaim Sunday, September 21, 2014, as PRINCE HALL AMERICANISM DAY."]

May I add that after the death of Prince Hall, on December 4, 1807, the brethren organized the African Grand Lodge on June 24, 1808, including the Philadelphia, Providence and Boston lodges. The African Grand Lodge was in 1827 renamed the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, in his honor.
Hall was considered the "Father of African Freemasonry." Prince Hall said of civic activities:
"My brethren, let us pay all due respect to all who God had put in places of honor over us: do justly and be faithful to them that hire you, and treat them with the respect they may deserve; but worship no man. Worship God, this much is your duty and Christians and as Masons".

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Parma Re-Dedication

It is always a great day when you have all of the Grand Lodge Officers in the same location. We came to perform the re-dedication ceremony on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Parma Lodge.  The brothers have invested hundreds of hour of sweat equity into this beautiful building, making it energy efficient, and allowing the antiquity of the building to meet the modern necessities, in a well rounded fashion, so that only the discerning eye can recognize the modern adjustments, such as the new stair climbers and the efficient window sashes. The Officers and members of Parma Lodge took great pride in their accomplishments today, and we were pleased to be a part of their celebration. The Chapel family and Fenemores were out in great fashion today.  The last time I set foot in this edifice, Byron Chapel was serving as President of the Board of General Purposes, some 20 plus years ago.  I enjoyed visiting with his grandsons today, and recalling the days of Grandpa. Nancy was there and rightly proud of her little brood.  Its a great day to be a Michigan Mason.

Friday, September 19, 2014

A wardrobe only a clothier would love...

Time to head south to the land of the Trolls again, this time for a couple of functions this weekend.  I hope I remember all of my clothes. First off there is a reception this evening, which is the usual Black Tux, Black bow tie, tux pants, black vest and accessories.  Its pretty straight forward dress.  Saturday is a Lodge re-dedication which we swap out to our Long cutaway grey coat, known as an English Stroller, along with grey stripped pants, grey or pearl vest, grey 4-1 hand tie, black shoes and the accessories.  Along with the Wardrobe, I want to make sure I don't forget the Masonic Apron, Collar and Jewel, the appropriate Colored gloves, gray or white depending on dress, and oh yes, the Top Hat of the Grand Master. It can be a little trying when your packing, since you also have to worry about looking normal when your not in the company of Masons.  Oh, and the box of pins, charms, veterans patches, speaking notes and the list goes on.  Its a wonder a guy can remember half of these things, and then someone thought it would be funny to change out your formal dress between Memorial Day and Labor Day, to with coats.  So with that, and events happening before 6 pm or after 6 pm, you are in a clothing frenzy, and really need an assistant just to make sure you look the way you are supposed to.  For a Grand Master, that would be his Grand Marshal, to me known as Bob Cooper, who I'm packing up to go visit this evening.  It's his day, his reception, a time to honor him and welcome him into the progressive line of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, where he too one day will be Grand Master and have a Grand Marshal of his own. Congratulations Coop and Sharon. I could not have wished for a more attentive man to be my Grand Marshal.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Take care of your own - A trip to Shriners

It's important when we are immersed in the service of others, not to forget our own. Such was the case this week when I took a break from the daily grind to care for my Grandson Junie.  He was accepted to Shriners Hospital for Children, and it was his first Appointment.  Now interestingly enough, I've been going to the Twin Cities unit off and on since they built the new hospital in 1991 and tore down the old one. First Impressions are important, and I wanted to make sure that it would be a somewhat stress free first visit. We had the usual wrap around care, and the appointments were stacked in our favor, they even molded his feet and made the orthotics in less than 24 hours, even in a chosen pattern and color.  Because Shriners is for Children, and adults are allowed to hang out, it is a departure from the norm. Once again, even with care in my own extended family, I am proud to say I am a Shriner. "No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child".

Monday, September 15, 2014

Grand Lodge Awards - I didn't know there were so many....

I was wondering how many Awards there are available from the Grand Lodge of Michigan.  How many are the Lodges not taking advantage of?  I can tell you there are awards that I dont even know about, for ritual proficiency and the like.  Well let's start with the obvious.  There is a Certificate available for becoming a Master Mason.  BTW, there are all available with just a phone call to the Grand Lodge Office, or even better, use the Zen (Help Desk) tab on the Grand Lodge Website. Membership Awards, there is the 25, 40 (Life Membership), 50, 60, 70 and 75 Year member Award.  The Edgar A. Guest Award is given to an outstanding member of the community, male or female, for their contribution to the community. The Lou B. Windsor Award is given to a Brother will will never rise to be Master of his Lodge, yet distinguishes himself in all other areas of Lodge Service. There is only one holder of this award per lodge at a time, and the award is for the Life of the holder. The Daniel Carter Beard Award, though used in Michigan, is an Award requested from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, to be presented to an active Scouter/Mason.  It requires endorsement of his lodge, Grand Lodge and a biography of his accomplishments in scouting and Masonry. The Distinguished Service Award is given by the Grand Lodge to a brother who has served on Grand Lodge level committees for 7 years or more. We will talk about more Awards another day ......

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sabbath Day .. Rest

Travel Day, rest and recharge for the week.  What are you doing to celebrate your sabbath ? Check out this book that may help you in the search.  Its a good read.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Grand EA Degree and some Festive Activities

Today has been a day of fraternal fellowship, as the Grand Lodge Officers gathered in Alma Lodge 244 to confer the EA Degree on a new candidate, and make him a brother among us.  It was a great degree, and lectures were presented by our very capable Grand Lecturer.

George and GM
This Evening we gathered in Doig Center of Masonic Pathways for a Festive Board to celebrate the George Washington National Masonic Memorial. We were honored to have George Seghers, Shawn Eyer and Bob Conley present, all representing the Memorial.  Fine talks were presented including a history of the Grand Lodge of Michigan under the Leadership of James Dillon, to suport the Memorial in a Grand Way.  Sagatuck Lodge brought their Washington Apron for display and was viewed by everyone in attendance.  Thanks brother Urquart. Many old friends present and made a few new acquaintances.  Thanks to the Committee, and MWB Bedwell for MC the event.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Making a Difference, a 12 yr old with a vision

Making a Difference Check out this 12 year old who has a vision and made it reality. The Detroit Masonic Temple can be viewed in the background.  I have challenged my Masonic Youth to make a Difference with $200.00  We will match their 100 with another 100. Watch this young man make a difference.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A pause for peace

I remember the day well, I was working on a project in the very school building I'm penning this note.  My peer called over from another part of town and said, hey LeVeque, you better turn on the TV in one of the rooms, there is something going on.  Sure enough, as I watched the events unfold moments after the initial attack, I heard of the Sunset PA crash, the Pentagon Crash and the Attack on our financial center, the World Trade Center.  I think of all the children born since that time, will they be taught what happened that day ?  Will history repeat itself ?  The enemies of the U.S. never sleep, they are constantly working and scheming how the next attack will play out.  They are planting themselves in our midst.  Make no mistake, we feel peace now, but our children will know a day of unrest and insecurity on this American soil.  Who knows when, who knows where, what will the trigger be, nobody can predict, but it will not be a surprise to those who have their eyes wide open.  Be cautious in your travels, careful in your discourse, firm in your faith, resolute in your decisions, and fear not the enemies. Pause today for peace, enjoy the liberties we have, one day it may not be what it is today.  I am grateful for out public servants who sacrificed all for many. Let us never forget September 11, 2001. God Bless America.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Off to Norway

No, it isn't a trip to another country, It's a 2 hour ride over to Norway Lodge 362 in Norway, MI. Appears there are a lot of 2nd Wednesday Lodge meetings in the U.P. I was considering Copper Country Lodge tonight, but the rain has dampened my spirits to head to the Keweenaw.  Maybe next month.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Installation, new faces

I took some time to be with my Job's Daughter Bethel this evening.  They are the girls running around the state with the Grand Master's Minion shirts. A great bunch of young women, working on being the best they can be.  Tonight I installed a new Executive Council that will guide the girls through the next year of activities. Congrats to Danielle for taking the Guardianship, and Cam for being her left hand mason, or Associate Bethel Guardian, and the rest of the council for serving. Our honored queen is juggling work, college and serving in the Bethel. She is also Grand Lodge Youth of the year. The secret to staying young is spending time in the presence of youth.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Angela, dinner with old friends and new.

Me and Angela

My dear companion celebrates another year older. Its the xx anniversary of her 29th year :-)  We were invited to dinner with Art and Kathy Laatz. For those of you that have called the Grand Lodge Office over the last 20+ years, Kathy was the calm voice on the other end. Art continues to serve the Grand Lodge sorting out our sharethesecret.org inquiries into membership.  But even more important, these two are also Amateur Radio Operators just like Angela (WA8I) and the Grand Master (WB8Q) are. We met Art's son, Gordon, and his wife, who are also in the area vacationing. A nice quiet evening to enjoy fine company and the love of a spouse. one of the nicer Mondays in a Calendar.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Board of General Purposes and GG/AGG Reception

In Europe there was established a Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes. it is the Legal or legislative arm of the Grand Lodge. So over 50 years ago, in Michigan, we set up a similar system.  They deal with the ethics and accountability of Grand Lodge and are the Legislative arm of the craft. they are the eyes and ears of Grand Lodge to the local Lodges.  They meet once a quarter, and today was one of those meetings at Masonic Pathways in Alma. I happen to have served this group for many years and ultimately was its BGP President in 1994.  After this meeting, I headed to Grand Blanc to witness the honoring or reception of Linda Koshowsky, Grand Guardian and Freeman Greer, Associate Grand Guardian,  adult leaders of Job's Daughters International here in Michigan. Again, I served as AGG in 2007 with Carolyn McClure, GG, and Miss Katie Paauwe as GBHQ. Here's a couple pictures of the Girls at the end of the meeting performing the Lighted cross ceremony. To honor these adults, the Daughters performed the ceremony of initiation for 4 new members, Sabrina, Maria, Krista and Destiny.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm seeing Stars...... Eastern Stars

Caught up on 1st Thursday visits to U.P. Lodges, so I took time to stop by my local Eastern Star Chapter.  This Organization is composed of women with Masonic Affiliation, mostly.  There are a few who don't have affiliation.  It is Christian in nature with its teaching coming from the 5 women in the Bible. Ada, Ruth, Esther, Martha and Electa.  The women enjoy the sisterhood, they dislike the long drawn out Communications that are required to be read but dont pertain the the local chapter, and the new young members are not fond of the required dress code.  A dress is fine, they just don't want it touching the floor.  I have to agree. I don't think any one of the 5 heroines of the order wore anything more that a sackcloth of humility.  Anyway, the young ones smile and nod their heads for the time being, until they are tired of being told to conform, then they will silently disappear, and we will wonder why they haven't paid their dues, etc. I enjoy associating with the organization because of the members.  Great folks, kind hearts, years of service to the Order and the community.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A day of catch-up and Ben Gay, Let's talk about "Live Better at Home"

Today I decided to slow down just a little, spend an afternoon with Angela, take care of paperwork in the Office, and see if I can medicate my muscles for a bit.  Oh, and a hair cut.  While I'm taking a personal day, how about we talk about "Live Better at Home" ? Remember this number, 800-321-9357.

As part of the Masonic Pathways charitable mission, the Live Better At Home™ Call Center provides information and referrals free of charge to Michigan Masons. No matter where you choose to make your home, information is only a phone call away and they are there to help you navigate today’s increasingly complex system of family and healthcare services.  Whether you are calling for yourself or a loved one, their knowledgeable information and referral specialists can help you find the answer. Whatever your question, legal, medical, financial or just day-to-day living, they are there to help you find the answer. From a database of more than 35,000 resources, they can help you locate the one who can best provide the information you seek. Once they find the right resource, they’ll help you connect with them, and follow up to make sure they satisfied your needs. Click here for just a few resources they can Provide.  Or for a flyer on the fee based care management services, Click here. Masonic Pathways, providing for you at Home as well as our CCRC in Alma, Michigan. Best of all, since the service is provided from the campus of Masonic Pathways in Alma, you are guaranteed a responsive caring phone call.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation Board Meeting

Once every few months the MMCF Board of Trustees meet in Lansing to take a pulse on how we are doing, adjust course if necessary, glean nuggets of wisdom and plan for the future, with a keen eye on the past. Overall things are looking good, there are a few projects in the planning stages. As with any active corporation, change is good, and can be an indicator of growth. So today I worked half a day and drove 11 hrs for three hours of meetings.

Monday, September 1, 2014

An Interview with the Most Excellent Grand High Priest

In the York Rite System of Masonry, the Royal Arch Masons compose the 4th through the 7th degrees.  I recently took some time to interview the State Leader, Most Excellent Companion Lou McCray of the Royal Arch Masons.  Click here to see the interview.