Saturday, September 27, 2014

I see Buffalo !!! The Grand Master has left the United States of America !

Not in the U.P. silly, I just drove into Buffalo, New York. Took a short cut through Ontario, enjoyed three hours of NPR on CBC. Educational drive so to speak.  Got here, and they didn't have a room for me.  Well, not entirely true, they had one for Laveque, TBD.  Not sure who he is, but I'm sleeping in his bed now.  We broke the trip up into two segments due to my diminished capacity to function because of seasonal symptoms. We made it, I did not pass out or drive off the highway. At supper this evening I was reminded that we are into the Fall season, and the entertainment was German step dancers. Ive seen them before, but never focused on their talent until this evening.  Good friends, good food, everyone here is three years older than the last time I saw them, and some did not make it to this Triennial....... The Grand Architect had bigger designs for them. Another reminder that life is too short to not live it to the fullest. I'm here at the request of George Sellars, MPGGM of the General Grand Council, Cryptic Masons, who asked me to represent the Grand Lodge of Michigan as his Grand Master which has always been the custom of the Triennial Leaders.  True to the plan, I am here to bring Greetings, Welcome and hopefully some sort of Wisdom to this august body of men. I miss the clasp of your hand George.... reveal to me what you want to tell them.