Greetings. I am usually an advocate of using the sabbath to rest, but today in Buffalo New York, we were in Meetings most of the Day. I was able to witness the Parade of flags from representatives of York Rite Masonry over the globe. Lunch with the Grand High Priest of Madagascar, remind me I need to polish up my French...... Sat with my Friend Bill Thomas, MWGM of New York, and we brought greetings on behalf of our respective States to those assembled. I was able to speak briefly on one of my mentors, and about visionaries. Mayor Brown sat next to me, and became better acquainted with Freemasonry. Demolay's Bill Sardone, Junior Grand Councilor and I had time to chat about the youth and a promise of future visits. Been a great day, busy with conversation, exchange of ideas and fellowship. There is a contingent here from Michigan, but I haven't had enough time to say hi to them. Great stories of Michigan Masonry in action, and brothers long since moved away, but fond memories of being raised in Michigan. Time for hospitality and dinner, then back to catch up on the weekends emails. The entertainment was pretty fun, and brought back some music I had totally forgot about. Nice night, now to bed for an early morning with the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M. conclave.