Thursday, September 11, 2014

A pause for peace

I remember the day well, I was working on a project in the very school building I'm penning this note.  My peer called over from another part of town and said, hey LeVeque, you better turn on the TV in one of the rooms, there is something going on.  Sure enough, as I watched the events unfold moments after the initial attack, I heard of the Sunset PA crash, the Pentagon Crash and the Attack on our financial center, the World Trade Center.  I think of all the children born since that time, will they be taught what happened that day ?  Will history repeat itself ?  The enemies of the U.S. never sleep, they are constantly working and scheming how the next attack will play out.  They are planting themselves in our midst.  Make no mistake, we feel peace now, but our children will know a day of unrest and insecurity on this American soil.  Who knows when, who knows where, what will the trigger be, nobody can predict, but it will not be a surprise to those who have their eyes wide open.  Be cautious in your travels, careful in your discourse, firm in your faith, resolute in your decisions, and fear not the enemies. Pause today for peace, enjoy the liberties we have, one day it may not be what it is today.  I am grateful for out public servants who sacrificed all for many. Let us never forget September 11, 2001. God Bless America.