Monday, September 15, 2014

Grand Lodge Awards - I didn't know there were so many....

I was wondering how many Awards there are available from the Grand Lodge of Michigan.  How many are the Lodges not taking advantage of?  I can tell you there are awards that I dont even know about, for ritual proficiency and the like.  Well let's start with the obvious.  There is a Certificate available for becoming a Master Mason.  BTW, there are all available with just a phone call to the Grand Lodge Office, or even better, use the Zen (Help Desk) tab on the Grand Lodge Website. Membership Awards, there is the 25, 40 (Life Membership), 50, 60, 70 and 75 Year member Award.  The Edgar A. Guest Award is given to an outstanding member of the community, male or female, for their contribution to the community. The Lou B. Windsor Award is given to a Brother will will never rise to be Master of his Lodge, yet distinguishes himself in all other areas of Lodge Service. There is only one holder of this award per lodge at a time, and the award is for the Life of the holder. The Daniel Carter Beard Award, though used in Michigan, is an Award requested from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, to be presented to an active Scouter/Mason.  It requires endorsement of his lodge, Grand Lodge and a biography of his accomplishments in scouting and Masonry. The Distinguished Service Award is given by the Grand Lodge to a brother who has served on Grand Lodge level committees for 7 years or more. We will talk about more Awards another day ......