Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Coffee Chat, Tri-board Luncheon, Investment Meeting and Board of Directors

Sometimes people will say the funniest things, and today I heard the funniest thing out of a resident that I think I've ever heard. So I was sitting here minding my own business tapping away on my iPad and I overheard someone say: You know it used to be that my nose was the thing smelling and my feet were the things running, but in old age I found that now it's my feet that are smelling and my nose is doing the running all the time. And so coffee chat time, chatting with the residents has become one of my favorite times of the month.
Try board luncheon is an opportunity for each of the representatives of the three boards to share what's going on across the boards. And today was no exception.
This afternoon was the investment committee meeting, and opportunity to speak with our investment consul to hear their report on the performance of our investments, and for them to recommend changes to managers who just aren't performing..... The market is a hard place predict sometimes when you think you should be up its down sometimes when you think it should be down it's up. Such is the nature of trying to predict returns on investment, All in all I think the performance in the long run, which is what an investment committee looks at, is doing quite well.
The board meeting brought us together for the business of Grand Lodge, discussions are usually had over all aspects of the Grand Lodge including Local Lodges. Reports are given from the various activities that we've engaged in through the last month, and future activities are talked about so that they are on our radar. There's still lots to do, and I look forward to the remaining time in fulfilling the responsibilities that have been placed before us.
Tomorrow I'm off to a luncheon meeting at 1 o'clock in Southeast Michigan and then headed home to pick up Angela so that we can head to Arizona for the Arizona Michigan Mason reunion this next weekend. I sure wish airplanes would fly in and out of the Upper Peninsula, sigh, it would make my life much easier........