What is in our Day. I mean, is it filled with activities that make you feel satisfied at the end of the day? Do you feel like everything you do was one step backwards? Does each day bring you new opportunities to enjoy life, make a difference (large or small) and a happiness at the end of the day that you have made a difference. We have all heard the story of a man's tombstone, with his birth year and death date listed, and our entire life is contained within the dash. What have you done with your dash?
This is the season that transcends us up to higher thoughts, nobler acts, and purer intentions. Why does it have to be only during a season of the year. For me, I must have snow on the ground to be (in the mood) for the season. As I travel around, I wonder how others can come into the state of the Holiday Season, not of gifts and over indulgence, but the thought process that raises one to a charitable state of mind, without the traditional landscape of snow, and cold, and festive traditions. Well, I think the festive traditions can be had in any environment (including a beach in Florida with 75 degree days) but from infancy we associate the beginning of winter, snow, cold as a time for us to transfigure into charitable beings. We hear of those in need, and immediately respond, those we love are showered with gifts, We try to be the best we can be, dressing better, singing better, thinking higher, assisting others without regard of status. There comes a flurry of giving and getting. Though commercialism may taint us with long lines, and angry shopping, in the end we feel a sense of obligation to the season. What makes your thoughts change? Family? Gratitude for what you have? Feelings of Joy and Happiness communicated by others? Your belief in Immortality? Your part in something larger than yourself? Love of fellow man?
Whatever it may be, It is my wish that you not only have these feelings this particular season, but manage to maintain these thoughts and acts year around. I have been working toward this, I started a few years ago in my own life by leaving the nativity scene up all year long. It helps to remind me of the example I should be.
We also have a fake tree hanging on the wall, completely decorated, well, its actually half of a tree, but it serves the purpose. As time passes by, I see one by one, the lights fade or burn out, and it reminds me of how I need to recharge my own life on occasion, before my thoughts and acts slowly diminish with time, slowly and imperceptibly returning me to the natural state of man.
Safe be the travels of you and family this season, remember the dash, don't forget to make this place a little better to be in, than you found it. If we all try a little harder, the feelings of the season will last a little longer.
Prepare for a year of joy, not just the next week. As my wise close friend Henry used to quote oft, "This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."