The Journey of William E. LeVeque, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan - 2014/2015
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Winter with a chance of Summer....... in 6 Months. Day off # 2
If you have ever watched Ground Hogs Day the movie, you will understand my past 2 weeks. Last Tuesday, Snow Day, today Snow Day. I don't want to wake up on the 25th of November...... Im changing my address for that day, to avoid any possibility of repetition. I watched it pile up, when it was over, it netted a cool 14 more inches in the driveway. Thank you Mother Nature, now if you will be so kind as to go south for a season, I will handle it from here. In Munising, Winter officially starts on December 21st (actually that's true everywhere). BUT this year it started promptly on Veterans Day. I'm not sure what Old Man Winter has against the Veterans, I happen to think they are a fine lot, but he made sure their party was put on hold. Well, he did it today, and even kept the mailman from his appointed rounds, so I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if Ive been approved for that Visa card, won Publishers Clearing House, get a deal on Charter Cable, get HARPed on for a loan or heaven forbid, get my first Christmas Card.......... I can hardly wait for ole snowball (mailman's term of endearment) to fill my mailbox with these treasures....... What's this I see walking down the road, is there a camel on the horizon, or am I hallucinating ....... H---- D-- !