Well, its back to school after a day off for WX. Busy day at the office, someone must have been hungry, cuz the office ran out of an assortment of door keys. So I put together a few more rings of keys for those who just lose them. I'm sure if there was a deposit, it would be harder to lose them. I remember when I was in HS, we used to have a 5 dollar per book deposit, which you got back at the end of the year, if your text was in relatively good shape. Those were also the days when you had to put your name in the book and take ownerness of it. Now days, its rare for anyone to own up to anything. Their behavior, their actions, their dress, their attitude. Where did we get off the responsibility train? For once I would like someone to say, I lost my stuff, I broke the thing, I apologize for my actions. Without a criminal investigation.
I also took some time to make out my December Birthday cards for those who are important in the Masonic Family, the residents of Pathways. Gee, I hope I get visitors when I take up residence there.
Maybe I'll get a Birthday card from the Grand Master too!