Today was a busy day at work. It was your typical Monday, full of trouble, everyone had problems, the world is coming to an end kinda stuff. So I mopped up the urine from the stage and headed up to the football field. Its been one week ago exactly that I said to the Boss, I need to winterize this today. There was no snow on the ground, almost a balmy 38 degrees, and perfect to take care of stuff. The "TEAM" is on a winning streak, and the decision was to keep it as is, cuz they would be practicing. The NEXT DAY, we had a snow day. Lets fast forward a week to today. The City DPW just showed up. He had to hammer the meter off the pipe, because it was FROZEN solid, as were my flush valves, toilets, urinals and sink drains. Do you think I'm going to enjoy next April when the Track team cant wait to have the water turned on ? People, including us Masons make decisions too late all the time. It may be a decision to move out of a building, a time to merge with another Lodge, or as simple as honoring a Brother for his accomplishments. Whatever the overdue decision may be, you can be sure that your pipe are going to freeze, and in the long run, it will be an expensive choice to not make that important decision. We are all guilty of putting it off, waiting till it goes on sale, or whatever excuse or pressing engagement that may be edging out our decision making ability.
Who would have thought one week ago today that temperatures would have plummeted and there would be 2 feet of snow on the football field. The Meteorologist, thats who !!! Some will heed warnings, others will stand in the middle of the field and watch the tornado, feeling it wont touch them. The consequences of not preparing are far reaching, and can even be fatal in some instances.
Listen to your Brothers, listen to your heart, listen to your Doctor....... before he retires........
Your chances of an easier, productive and abundant life will be greatly enhanced for it. Your Lodge will grow because you care for and nurture it by making the proper choices that affect its survival.
Have your pipes frozen yet?