Friday, August 22, 2014

Knights Templar Today, It is the Grand Commandery

Sir Knights are the manner that these men address each other.  They wear a full military dress, and have a chapeau and sword.  A bit different that the rest of the York Rite, they have a Christian belief among all of their membership.  I enjoyed the hospitality of Right Eminent Grand Commander Howard Crumit and is Lady Donna.  A productive day of business was managed, and this afternoon I interviewed all three York Rite Leaders, which you will be able to view in the coming days.  This evening there was a round table dinner where the Grand Commandery present their awards. Notice that the presiding officer is not a Most, the Grand Commandery holds allegiance to the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar in the United States. there presides the Most Eminent Grand Master. They has a representative here to oversee if you will, the deliberations of the Conclave. REGC Paul Roggow was elected Grand Commander of Michigan, and Darrell Winslow was elected Junior Grand Warden. Congrats to all, a fine conclave was had.