Thursday, August 21, 2014

Grand Council Royal and Select Masons

I served as Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council in 2002.  It was a very good training ground to hone leadership skills, and learn the way to lead a State Level Organization.  Everyone was tender today as we fondly remember our Most Illustrious Grand Master Bart Porter who passed away from the ravages of cancer.  I remember years ago when we asked Bart if he would be interested in the Grand Council Officer line.  He always exhibited the skill-set we were desirous of having in our ranks. He finally did accept, and we are grateful that he had an opportunity to serve, even if it was a shorter term as determined by the Grand Architect of the Universe.  Our Right Illustrious Deputy Grand Master stepped into the position and fulfilled the responsibilities with skill and decorum.  Communication in any organization is essential, and it is incumbent on the Junior Officers to labor so the Presiding Officer "Looks Good" which in turn shines a favorable light on the organization.  Sometimes that means putting your own thoughts aside, and laboring for the good of the craft.  Such is the way of a potential leader.  The usual business was conducted today, elections held, and MIC David Boring became the Most Illustrious Grand Master.  Gary Paquet was elected to the bottom of the moving line, and Corey Curtiss was appointed Grand Marshal, a position that can lead to becoming MIGM. Our Grand Council is in great hands, and its future assured. Tonight is the annual Banquet where Chapter and Council present their awards publicly to their membership and we hear from the Youth Group Leaders and other dignitaries.