Since it has been a couple weeks since I posted, here is whats been happening. I spent July 9 through the 12 in Grand Rapids at the Amway Grand Plaza for the Annual meeting of Job's Daughters. I judged ritual competition for the individual categories. I missed the men's lunches, it was just too much for me to walk over to the Marriott. Maybe next year. The Private ceremony of the Grand Triangle of Honor was held in the Imperial Ballroom, and that evening the Formal Banquet was held Thursday night, and it was my honor to bestow the Triangle of Honor on Past Grand Masters Fred Kaiser Jr. and Ray Lemons. Friday was the girls annual meeting, and Miss Lily from Menominee was elected Junior Princess for the Grand Bethel. Another Yooper Girl in the line.
Saturday Morning was the Grand Council meeting for the Old folks, were I served as Parliamentarian. I gave my report on the Grand Triangle, nominees for next year include, Wendall, Nancy and Amber Kopish from Menominee Bethel, Darlene Goeman from Escanaba Bethel, Carol Holman from Marquette Bethel and Ray and Denise Abbey from Mt. Pleasant Bethel. Congrats to those who have been nominated. Ron Johnson was appointed to the TOH Advisory Board to serve a 7 year term. Its good to be back home. I'm struggling with the same issue I had in February. Its hard to move able in pain.
Saturday, my Stephanie is flying home, well, actually Iron Mountain, so the girls are going to run over and retrieve her from the airport. I am looking forward to spending some time with her, I have a ton of questions about her Fiance. Sounds like some bon fire time is coming.
Speaking of the wedding, It looks like October 3rd will be an "open house" here in Wetmore from 1 to 4 pm, then she wants to have a Bon-Fire. The actual wedding will be in the Salt Lake City Temple on October 22nd. For those of you unfamiliar with Mormon Marriage rituals, Click here to learn more.