We started with elections, and the voting went smoothly. Congratulations are in order for Most Worshipful Grand Master Richard Wisley and his new team of Grand Lodge Officers. All advanced, with Craig Maison as the New Grand Marshal and Pat Thompson as the New Grand Chaplain.
Remarks were recieved from MW Tyrone Hampton from MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan, George Braatz, Masonic Service Association, Ted Praria, National Masonic Child Foundation.
The Business of Masonic Pathways was conducted with budget approval and a resolution for Viola Doyle for her 50 years of service to the Michigan Masonic Home. The Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation elected a new board member and presented their Budget for adoption. A few Amendments to Masonic law were considered, most were defeated or withdrawn. The installation of Grand Lodge Officers was held, and the Grand Lodge was closed.
Its been an honor for me to serve this Grand Lodge of Michigan as its Grand Master. Please spend fifteen minutes with me, to recap some highlights of the year in my closing remarks.
Watch farewell Video here.