Saturday, May 9, 2015

GBHQ Reception

It's a warm day, here I am in Flint. This used to be a progressive city, but now is fraught with people who struggle to make ends meet. I am watching as the Daughters walk between the parking lot and the building to see they are safe. Anyway, there are many here to honor Angie.  The Grand Bethel girls did a Majority ceremony for Angie's sister Madelene.  The dinner was nice, swiss steak is always a hit. After it was said and done, the Daughters enjoyed a dance and sleepover.

My observations of the evening are as follows: 
- It is never ok to wear a hat indoors, especially if its a baseball cap backwards.
- If your going to be fashionably late, stay home. Its not your night, you missed the good stuff.
- Talking through the meeting is not ok. Its not that important that you have to be rude.
- Electronic devices during the meeting are plain rude. Stow it, your not that important.
- Protocol does not need to be forced. Respect is always the best policy.

Indeed, civility has diminished, and I'm not sure our culture has even noticed it has left.

Other than the observed, a great night, lots of love to Angie from her peers and Bethel/Grand Bethel.
Lots of hard work put in by the few devoted. Thank you from one who noticed.............

and happy birthday to Marilee...