Back in 2008 as Grand Marshal, I and the Grand Lodge Officers under the direction of PGM Jungel, visited Bellaire Lodge to dedicate the building they now enjoy. The handiwork of the brothers of this Lodge was prevalent then, and is still proudly displayed today. The woodwork inside is the wood taken from the property when it was cleared, and it was made ready by expert craftsmen for adornment of the Temple. While some of the face have changed, the Masonic experience still reflects the quality of attitude and respect for the fraternity in this area.
I had the opportunity to sit next to Herb. He is a most amazing brother. He is 96 years old, has been a Mason for 73 years, and all of those years has been married, 73 years. Interestingly, his career was spent planting trees, and he estimates his lifetime total to be over 15 million trees planted. That goes a long was to helping save out planet !
Congratulations to Bellaire's 5 new Fellow Craft, all excited to be a part of the Lodge, all looking forward to more light in Masonry.