Dad Scott surprised me while sitting next to me in the East during the portrayal of the degree. He hands me a parchment of which I opened it up, it was a bit stained and I thought hmmmm this is an interesting piece of paper, and when fully opened, it revealed his patent from the United Grand Lodge of England the mother Grand Lodge of all Masonry in the world, which patent was dated 1946 the year he became a Master Mason. I was amazed to be looking at a document so important, and from such an auspicious body of men in England. I counted 62 brothers in the Lodge for the EA Degree this day.
After the activities in Wayne Lodge had finished, I made my way North to Clio for the installation of Demolay Officers. Congrats to Victor Elliot on becoming the new Master Councilor for Clio Chapter. There was fine representation at the installation from all of the Masonic Family, Lodge, OES, Rainbow, Jobs Daughters. It's been a full, busy and rewarding day.......