Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monthly Meetings Day.....

This is the day that I spend in meetings in Alma.  Took Angela with me this time, I have something going on with my lower back and legs causing me distress, so she drove.  I had the opportunity to introduce her at coffee chat this morning, the residents always enjoy a new face.  Speaking of new, I learned that new employees wear gold badges and new residents wear purple badges.  Never knew that.  Talked with one of the residents who to me he was one of the workers who helped build the cut river bridge. Arne, your an amazing guy, and a good sense of humor too. The Tri-Board luncheon, MWB Fred Kaiser was able to join us as the president of the Charitable Foundation. Lot going on, and we discussed the upcoming events that you will learn about as time approaches.  This afternoon was the Grand Lodge Board of Directors meeting, where the Budgets of all three corporations were presented for approval by the Grand Lodge Board of Directors.  They will now be ready for advanced reports and presented at Grand Lodge for consideration. We also received the proposed changes to Masonic Law, 14 amendments and 2 resolutions, which will be considered in depth at the Board of General Purposes meeting in March. When the meetings concluded, we headed back to the Yoop to sleep in our own bed....