Friday, January 9, 2015

BGP (Board of General Purposes) Meeting Cancelled for Saturday January 10th in Alma

The Meeting of the Board of General Purposes that was Scheduled for Saturday, January 10th is cancelled.  It is not very ofter that this Grand Master is concerned about travel and weather, I've been through it all.  But this case is different, and there is danger across the State right now. M-94 is closed, huge car pile ups are happening, the snow is not relenting, and I DO NOT want my brothers traveling on Masonic business at the detriment of their safety.  Look at, and you can see the mess we are in all the red triangles are accidents and road closures..  We looked at the numbers of those who would be missing, and it is significant enough to warrant cancellation.  Dear Brothers, stay inside, stay safe, stay warm.