Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Adjust, refocus, move forward

Sometimes the world just kicks you in the gut, and walks over the top of you when your weak and least expect it.  The World is a cruel place, with unsympathetic people, who worry only about themselves and their personal gratification, or the dole system, or whats in it for me. There is a special place for those who exhibit these traits.  Enough said...

Voted today, don't know why, nobody pays attention to our Constitution or defending it. Instead massive amounts of energy are expended to find loopholes, to make the laws align with corruption and greed. They all make me disgusted with their false concerns and pandering attitudes.
In Michigan Masonry, did you know the Child ID program has not only been successful, but has expanded to partner with other organizations to provide value added benefits to the program.

Check out the recent news around the Child ID Program:

Chris Takacs Interview

Child ID Event Interview

Heading south tomorrow to check out a lodge in Southern Michigan, below the bridge :-)