Saturday, August 30, 2014

A visit to Duluth and the Prince Hall Masons

Today was a trip to Duluth, Minnesota for the meeting of Doric Lodge # 3.  By invitation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Jim Christensen of Minnesota at the N.E. Conference of Grand Masters several Masonic leaders met for an afternoon of Masonry, fellowship and exchange of ideas. Most Worshipful Grand Master Gregory Meadows, Minnesota PHA was very gracious and allowed the 3 Grand Masters, MWB Bill Beetcher of Wisconsin, MWB Bill LeVeque of Michigan and MWB Jim Christensen of Minnesota to be received and make remarks.  We were officially and individually honored to address the small Lodge located on the West edge of Lake Superior. In Minnesota through fraternal recognition, you can join either the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons or the Prince Hall Affiliation Lodge. Which ever group you choose to be affiliated with becomes your primary Masonic membership. Courtesy degree work is reciprocal either direction in both AF &AM and PHA.  Many of the A.F.&A.M. members have been dual members of Doric Lodge PHA for several years.  This was a great day for cementing friendships making new friendships and a promise of future gatherings to promote brotherly love.