Today I worked a half day,
packed and headed back down to the land of many. My destination was
Potterville, a small community South and West of Lansing. In 2011 a
fire burned the Lodge beyond repair. A small piece of land was donated
to erect a new Lodge on, and we are here today to dedication and
consecrate this edifice to the Masonic Uses. It wasn't an easy journey
for the brothers of this Lodge to get to today. Water and Sewer being
brought into the site could have easily consumed the whole building
budget. I remember sitting in the investment committee meeting of Grand
Lodge when their plan was presented, and there was not a lot of room for
error. Today, 14 Grand Lodge Officers clad in Black tails, and
traditional white tie regalia are here to send the Lodge off in fine
fashion to promote the Fraternity in this area. There is something very
unique that has risen from the planning. This Lodge could not be any
larger, nor could it be situated in any direction more that a few inches
over from where it was erected. The cornerstone pictured here is
literally as far to the Northeast as you can be in the City of
Potterville. If it was moved 8 inches, it would be in the Township. An
interesting Masonic symbolism in real life. The Brothers are Pleased
to have us here, this is the First real dedication we have done since
Bellaire Lodge several years ago. I am presenting the Lodge with a
Temporary Copy of its original Charter or Warrant to work, as the Framed
nice charter did not make it here from the east Coast in time for the
Ceremony. I am also presenting the Lodge with the very working tools
that we will be using to test the Square, Level and Plumb attributes of
this edifice.
I wonderful afternoon for Michigan
Masonry....... I could do these Ceremonies once a week, and life would
be Grand....... before I lay my head to rest this day, I will find
myself in flint for the annual Conclave of Michigan Demolay.