Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sometimes you just dont know. The Guest Award.

When things happen, its never on a Saturday, and seldom on Monday.  Its usually a Tuesday or Wednesday.  I went to work today fully expecting to finish out the day, until my dear wife called to tell me she had a fever.  I promptly dropped my working tools, and ran home to retrieve her and bring her to the ER.  We cant chance anything right now with all of the things going on in her body.  Needless to say, those things I planned on doing took a back seat.  Family first Brothers !
I didn't have a chance to get to my own Lodge tonight, but I wanted to touch on the Guest Award.  Named after Edgar A. Guest, it is an Award of Grand Lodge given by a Local Lodge once a year to a Male or Female Community Leader who has made significant contribution to the Community.  It the Lodges way to say thank you and support the endeavors of those who are making a difference.  Tonight, our Lodge presented one to Norma Harger. She and her late husband El have been renowned in their support of our little community, most notably they started the Pictured Rocks Road Race several years ago.  But that is only a snippet of Norma's influence. Has your Lodge considered using this Award to recognize a community leader ?