Friday, June 27, 2014

Rainbow Initiation, Elections, and sad news in the Grand Family

Its been an exciting day with the initiation of Miss Alex into Rainbow. After a great morning of watching the youth, I had an opportunity to make a few brief remarks, then we went to the Awards Luncheon.  After Lunch they visited with residents of Masonic Pathways. I took a few minutes to run over to the office and catch up on some correspondence and make some technology work.
The Afternoon session of Rainbow seen Miss Sydney elected Grand Worthy Advisor for the next year.  Miss Jacqueline was elected Grand Charity. Both, along with all of the new Team will assume their new roles Saturday evening at the installation. The evening was topped off with bowling by the girls of Rainbow.

MWB Ted and Sandy (Jersey Girl) Praria

Just before the Afternoon meeting, I learned that we have had a great loss in our Grand Family.  Sandy Praria, wife of MWB Ted Praria, PGM passed on today.  I gave Ted a call, my heart was tender, and I wanted to make sure he knows we are feeling her loss along with him. Sandy was home with Hospice for the past couple weeks. Her shining smile, caring heart and genuine Jersey Girl personality will be missed.