Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sabbath - A time to rest and refresh thyself.

We will not purposely be holding activities on Sunday. It is the day that the majority of your Grand Lodge Officers spend refreshing their spirit with activities that point towards our Heavenly Father. It reminds me of the Ancient Landmarks of Masonry which never change:

~ A belief in a Supreme Being.
~ A belief in the immortality of the soul.
~ A Volume of the Sacred Law is an indispensable part of the furniture of every lodge.

We invite you to strengthen your Faith each Sunday in whatever manner you have tradition to observe. If you observe this day as any other, we invite you to create traditions now. Your family will honor you in years to come for your efforts.

As a personal note, my family try to avoid work (homework included), and other activities that encourage others to have to work. It's a great time for us to worship, write letters, visit with family, assemble genealogy, and share our weeks activities, past and future.

Thank you for all the well wishes on the Grand Masters 53rd Natal Anniversary.