Just because its 70 degrees outside may not be a measure of the arrival of summer, but it is a good precursor. The Lawn will be mowed today for the third time this year, which is a sure indication that spring is turning the corner into summer. In travel this past week, I see many fowl of the air with new members of the family following behind. Sand Hill Cranes, Ducks, Swans and all manner of living things are displaying their young.
It is refreshing to see the cycle of life, and to enjoy the young ones myself. Their enthusiasm and excitement, and the wondering awe in their eyes about the things of this world make me smile. I hope in some small way, I can contribute to their knowledge of the wonders of nature as they grow in understanding.
Visited with an old family friend yesterday that I haven't seen in 35 years. We talked of old days and current times. I got to meet her family and it was a nice time to reflect on life. I'm glad I spent the few short moments with them.
This weekend is the ride for free event on Pictured Rocks Cruises. If your a resident of the Upper Peninsula or the two Michigan Towns of Clarkston and Romeo (Kids Rocks stomping grounds) you can ride for free.
The girls of Jobs daughters will be there making and selling cotton candy as a fundraiser for the Bethel.
I will be in Alma for the Scottish Rite Council of Deliberation, but right back home on Saturday afternoon.
Summer is here, get out and bask in the warmth...