The Journey of William E. LeVeque, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan - 2014/2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
A well orchestrated Grand Lodge - Wisconsin
I have enjoyed the day today in the business of the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, watching my good friend Bill Beetcher preside over the business of the fraternity. It has been a great day, old friends and new friends. The changing of the guard so to speak, and lots of debate and work completed. This Grand Lodge is not so different than Michigan. Different wording for same things. We call it a blue book, they call it the code. The change by resolutions, we change by amendments. The one thing that would help us tremendously in Michigan, I have seen in several other jurisdictions. Grand Trustee system of overseeing the Grand Lodge operation. Also District Deputy Grand Masters to operate in regions of the State. Two excellent systems that make the operation run much more smoothly. It makes the Grand Lodge just a little more transparent to each member. Again, more golden nuggets gleaned from a fraternal visit. I enjoyed talking with Josh Woodwyk, our Deputy Grand Master. Well, that's what the program said. Congrats on the Promotion Josh ;-) We had a lot of fun with that.