Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Coffee Chat, Lunch and a Board Meeting

This morning I left Novi, and headed to Alma for the monthly coffee chat with the residents. This is always an enjoyable time to listen to what they have to say about what's going on at pathways, and their concerns. This was my last time in the position of Grand Master to be able to come and enjoy their company at the coffee chat.

At Noon once a month is the Three Board Luncheon, an opportunity to let each other know what going on, and a chance to bounce ideas off of the group.

At 2:30 pm I held my final Grand Lodge Board of Directors meeting. Thank you to my faithful Grand Lodge Officers who have been attentive to the needs and concerns of this Grand Lodge.  They have taken each assignment with the best interests of the Craft in mind. 


Since Making my Proclamation on Civility, lets start covering what Civility really is, and maybe how we can make it a part of our lives.


ONE: Win by following the rules
TWO: Contest with respect
THREE: Be responsible to respect each others rights
FOUR: Respect your own right to be responsible
FIVE: Be responsible to respect all people's right to respect
SIX: Be concerned about each person's particular circumstances
SEVEN: Be concerned about honoring everyone's well being in the entire spectrum of humanity