Saturday, January 24, 2015

Keynote speaker for Royal Arch. Enhance the Secret - A birthday

Today was an interesting day in Mount Pleasant where I visited with the Royal Arch Masons of Michigan. I was the keynote speaker and talked on leadership touching on John Maxwell's five Levels of Leadership, 25 principles of civility and few other of my experiences, and so was a great  day. Most of those who were present are leaders already but I pointed out to them many opportunities to increase their leadership abilities. All in all it was a great day and I'm glad to have spent time with my companions. I also just learned to dictate my thoughts into the blog. It was worth waking up today.....
I also had the opportunity to spend time with my granddaughter Izzy today who's turning 15 actually going on 30  ;-). It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed spending some time watching her grow up which is always fun...