Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, snow is back

It was good planning for travel to and from Munising this past weekend.  This morning I woke to snowing again. Getting an estimate for the weekends car accident today, when my dear wife comes in and announces she removed the mailbox from its location at the end of the driveway, with her car.  Not sure if she didn't like its location, the color of the mailbox, or just needs to get a chauffeur.  Whatever the case, I gave her my car to drive.  I'm not sure if it is possible to total a car twice in 24 hours, but with whats falling out of the sky, there may be some odds to be had on this bet. Some behind the scenes Masonic business going on today, but I will be staying close to home till Friday, when I head downstate to install a few lodges. Stay warm and safe everyone.