Saturday, December 6, 2014

Grand Master installs his own Lodge

The Grand Lodge Officers of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan were all gathered in a small Lodge in Munising, to perform a time honored custom of installing the most worshipful Grand Masters Lodge officers for the ensuing year. Each Officer installed their counterpart, pictures were taken, and a wonderful dinner was had downstairs, with our Chef, the WM and his family outdoing themselves again on a fabulous meal.  Where else could you enjoy fresh Lake Trout that slept in the bay the night before.

I must admit, everything went off, even though there was a glitch.  Between Lunch and the Installation a local little old lady T-boned my LeSabre on my side, and, well, I totaled another car.  I'm not sure that graduating from Deer to little old ladies is necessarily a good thing.  I had my daughter and three of the Grandkids with me.  We had Junie checked out in the ER, as he was sitting on the same side as me, and took quite a jolt.  So far he is golden. Danielle, just working on a concussion recovery seems to be ok, but only time will tell if it was a set back. Wasn't sure I would get dressed and to Lodge in time, but all worked out.  I appreciate my Deputy, who was preparing to take charge. I hope all my guyz and their ladies enjoyed the couple days in the U.P., I know I was pleased to have them here, even the WX co-operated.