Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Work and some needed real time off, oh, and a Franklin Planner

I worked a regular day today, busy doing things that I don't have time to otherwise take care of, hanging a white board, cleaning the cleaning equipment, oiling a few motors, sharpening drill bits, welding furniture, ordering annual compressor filters and such.  Even though I am excited to spend time doing what I want to do, I can tell you, the duties of Grand Master are continuous.  Today I will spend time working on my annual address that will be given at Grand Lodge in May.  It seems now to be a long way off, but it will be here tomorrow so to speak.  That's the way it is with all we do, a promise of something done, and before you know it the time has passed, and nothing was accomplished.  It takes good organization and self motivation to keep everyone pleased. How do you stay organized? Are those around you frustrated with your efforts? Do you get off track often? Sometimes its as easy as using a Franklin planner to stay on top of planning.  Ever wonder who invented the Franklin Planner ?  I'll tell you it wasn't Benjamin Franklin, BUT the man was a member of my Faith.  There's your homework, have a good day Mr. and Mrs. Smith !