The Journey of William E. LeVeque, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan - 2014/2015
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Honoring a Mentor - 60 yrs a Mason
I'm convinced we spend much more time planning an event or being at an event, than the actual event itself. Such was the feeling I got being in Trenton today. I'm grateful for the Brothers of the Lodge to move the date of their awards evening to accommodate my schedule. The Event was celebration of Charlie Myer on his 60th year of membership in Freemasonry. I remember well our first "contact". It was on the Ham Radio, and he was driving around the Upper Peninsula, for what I had no clue. As we got to know each other, Charlie would come and set up camp in my yard, and we became great friends. Years after our first hello, I realized he was up here for the York Rite Event every year, and was a Grand Officer. Charlie mentored me, gave me stories of Integrity, Service, honor to one's Trust, and love for mankind. Of course there were many other lessons over the years, but he always encouraged me to be the best I could. Today, I am honored to present him with a small reminder of his fidelity, a 60 year pin, which I know her will wear with pride. I'm glad it fell on this year, and I was personally able to present it. Moments before the ceremony started, I skyped my daughter and Charlie was able to visit with her. His terms of endearment for the Family have always been, The crazy Frenchman, the Whop, and the Brat. We have loved him for it for all these years. I can say looking back, 30 years ago, I would never have dreamed this night would happen.........