Change is never easy, and most people are resistant to change for various reasons and various lengths of time. Its a process that takes place with us. we hear the concept or process a few times, before we actually pay attention to what the dynamics of the change involve. Some will grasp the change, some will refuse, and continue to live in the past. Masonry has a lot of resistance to change, and it is a challenge to sell change to the craft. A man may be used to being in a Masonic District for many years, then a Grand Master comes along and redistricts his Lodge. Some men will not even refer to the new district, but instead refer to the old designation. These are those who are unwilling to understand or grasp change, who are unwilling to create history, but are content to live in the past.
The Grand Lodge over the last several years has slowly changed. Not the Landmarks, but the social culture of the membership. We have adopted a diversity statement recognizing our understanding of individuality. For the majority, acceptance is a part of growth, and knowledge. There is a part in our charge that states that we should not suffer our zeal for Masonry to lead us into argument with others, whom through ignorance, may ridicule it. Unfortunately, once in a while those who ridicule it are within the organization. As such they must be reminded we are all men, with a belief in a supreme being. Anything else that would excite our personal prejudice or passions would be better subdued....