Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Packing, driving, driving some more and getting back to the Land of my Inheritance

We are all set to head to another Country.  Yup, headed for Ontario Canada, taking the short cut home.  Will pass by Niagara Falls, and enjoy 4 hours in Ontario Highways before we return to Orange Barrels. Looking forward to being back in the Upper Peninsula, even if for two days..... We made it back in 9 and a half hours, I am caught up on web stuff, emails, and working on Grand Lodge stuff that needs my attention.
I have had my dear Angela with me, I hope I haven't caused her more distress by running her around the U.S.  I didn't fly knowing it would affect her leg clots, but driving was long and riding had to be longer.
Thanks to HF for getting us through the trip safely, and giving us so many wonderful experiences and opportunities to address Masons from around the world on three different occasions.