Today was a close to home day, but a fantastic day of support for this Grand Master. MWB Dean Barr, MWB Walt Wheeler and MWB David Bedwell were in attendance at the reunion, along with my Grand Officers, Doug Wolfe, Grand Soloist and Gerry Millar, Grand Musician. There were seven candidates in the class. There are 29 degrees, but you only witness a few, they are portrayed Shakespearean style. I also want to give a shout out to Roger Moore, Ron Bethune and Bill Dover for visiting our Valley. The Consistory Commander-in-Chief, Doug Wolfe threw out a challenge to raise 250.00 for the Almoners Fund and 250.00 for MMCF. The class did, and here I am taking the first swipe off the top before John Hansen of the Valley of Traverse City finishes him off. If this Grand Master thing doesn't pan out, I think I have a career in being a Barber. Now if I can only find one of those fancy stripped poles to hang outside the window.......