Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pathways Meeting, MWGM Reception and Yogurt.

Worked half a day, traveled to Alma where the Masonic Pathways Board met for their quarterly meeting.  Trustees were chosen, Officers elected, updates on whats happening at Pathways, and then at 6:30 we went upstairs to a very nice reception for the Grand Master.  I passed out pins and charms to residents and employees. I love touching the hands of those who have done so much in their lives to make the world a better place to live.  I spent some of my time this evening writing birthday cards for the Residents of Masonic Pathways. There are a few anniversaries too, and they will get a card.
Its not about the destination, which tomorrow for me will be Washington D.C.  Its about the lives you touch along the way.  Today was one of those tender moments realizing that I am no spring chicken, and that those I enjoy visiting with this evening, will be my partners in a game of cards very shortly.  My Angela came home from the Hospital this evening, and its resting quietly at home for the next few days.  Before turning in for the evening, I ran over to Mt. Pleasant to spend an hour with my granddaughter, and we had a frozen yogurt.  Sometimes the best things in life are the simple pleasures...